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Anticipate Challenges, Drive Confident Decisions

Forging Tomorrow's Resilience Today

At the Forefront of Tailings and Mine Water Planning & Operations

Pioneering Sustainable Solutions for the Mining Sector

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Invest in Tomorrow Today

Welcome to SimplXit, where we navigate the complexities of mine tailings and mine water systems with our philosophy of 'simplexity'. At the heart of our vision is a desire to develop skills capacity and custom tools to be better equipped to navigate such complex and dynamic systems.


In a world where change is ever-present – from evolving global standards to the unpredictable impacts of climate change and the rapid development of new technologies, we recognize that steering complex systems toward specific goals requires coordinated action from multiple angles. It's about applying a symphony of interventions, where each element plays a part in influencing the system harmoniously and effectively.


Our commitment is to transform the way mine tailings and water are managed, moving away from traditional, one-size-fits-all methods to more dynamic and responsive approaches geared for resilience.


Our products & services are designed to empower you and your team to reframe questions and shift actions in mine tailings & water management.


Join us in our endeavor to shape a more informed, cohesive, and responsible approach to mine water and tailings management. Together, let's navigate this journey of changing conditions, turning challenges into opportunities for a safer and more sustainable future.




The search for more resilient currents

SimplXit help navigate complex and uncertain challenges by cultivating environments where stakeholders can collectively & regularly pause and gain a broader, more interconnected view of the evolving dynamics of water and tailings systems.


Our approach blends existing knowledge hidden within siloed data and people into a broader tapestry of insights, crafting interactive models, visualizations, encounters and strategies that can enhance, rather than substitute, existing detailed studies & knowledge. This melding of detailed focus and expansive insight fosters a harmonious balance, leading to reframed questions and shifted actions that are both deeply informed and more broadly aligned with the overarching objectives.

Learn to Navigate
Complex and Uncertain Challenges

In an era where change is the only constant, adapting to uncertainty is crucial. This new paradigm in mine water and tailings management, underscores the importance of practices and tools tailored for uncertainty and complexity.


We’re here to develop the tools and knowledge to guide you through these intricate processes of navigating complexity with clarity and purpose. Our core services, centered around uncertainty modelling & navigation, are designed to equip you with the tools to better anticipate and manage mine engineering & environmental challenges.


Scenario simulation and uncertainty modelling, core aspects of our services, empowers you to foresee challenges and prepare accordingly. This shift in planning paradigm is not just about adapting to change – it's about staying a step ahead and reducing risks and costs rapidly.

We help you learn faster, reduce uncertainty, and increase confidence in your mine water & tailings operations.


With SimplXit, you're not just planning for today; you're preparing for a more secure and confident tomorrow.

                  Exclusive Distributor
in Europe and Africa

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Click to explore our exclusive Muk3D distribution countries.

For other regions, visit to find your local reseller.

Advanced Earthworks & Tailings Design Modelling

Experience the Fusion of Speed, Accuracy and Versatility

As the exclusive distributor of Muk3D software in Europe and Africa, SimplXit is at the forefront of advancing 3D geometric modeling of tailings storage facilities in these regions. This privileged partnership enables us to bring a tool that is not just about modeling and managing TSFs but about exploring a multitude of potential futures. With Muk3D's capabilities in rapid design and comprehensive analysis, we empower our clients to swiftly test and evaluate diverse scenarios. This includes those laden with uncertainties, enabling a more robust and informed planning process.

The advantage of exploring multiple 'what-ifs' with Muk3D lies in its ability to help simulate and navigate through various possible future geometric states. This foresight is critical in making well-informed decisions, particularly under conditions of uncertainty which are common in tailings management. By aligning with the Global Industry Standard on Tailings Management (GISTM), Muk3D not only assures better compliance but also ensures that solutions are proactive, adaptable, and grounded in best practices.

Comprehensive Solutions & Support:
Tailoring Tailings Management for Tomorrow

 Explore the full range of our products, each designed to meet the varying needs and complexities of earthworks & tailings planning.

We're here to offer training and support along this journey, ensuring you have the guidance and expertise needed at every step. Our commitment lies in being a part of a community that navigates tailings management with a vision for more sustainable & responsible practices.

Muk3D Formation

Efficient Earth Structure Modelling

Muk3D Formation is the go-to solution for Engineers and Designers focusing on earth structure designs. This affordable tool simplifies complex tasks, from processing large datasets to precise volumetric calculations. Its intuitive interface allows for quick creation of dynamic models and stunning visuals, making project communication with stakeholders straightforward and effective. Enhance your workflow with Python automation, seamlessly integrating into existing CAD and GIS systems. Muk3D Formation is not just about creating designs; it's about transforming them into compelling, easily understandable visual stories.

Muk3D Tailings+

Rapid Tailings Deposition Modelling

Muk3D Tailings+ transforms tailings facility design and management with its comprehensive, efficient toolkit. Ideal for both dry and wet tailings, it simplifies complex modelling tasks, from dam design to volumetric analysis. Tailings+ enhances staging plans with incremental dam raising, robust visualizations, and versatile configurations. Whether for immediate operations or long-term planning, it ensures precise, realistic tailings solutions. Experience streamlined, effective tailings management with Muk3D Tailings+.

Muk3D Simulation

Tailings Planning & Scenario Evaluation

Muk3D Simulation, an add-on for any Muk3D version, seamlessly integrates 3D modeling with Excel & GoldSim. This tool streamlines deposition sequences and what-if scenario analyses, enhancing operational and planning accuracy in tailings management. It leverages Python scripting to efficiently process data and adds realistic 3D visuals to GoldSim models. Muk3D Simulation is ideal for more accurate, risk-aware tailings planning, offering a dynamic approach to modeling complexities in tailings facilities.


Let’s Work Together

We're always excited to connect with you.


Whether you have innovative ideas to share, questions about our approach, or need guidance on your next project, our door is always open. Feel free to reach out to us using the form below. Let's embark on a journey of collaboration, exploration, and mutual growth. Your insights, curiosity, and aspirations are what drive us forward. Together, we can create more impactful solutions and shape a better future in mine water and tailings management.


We're looking forward to hearing from you and exploring how we can work together!


SimplXit Ltd.

Oxford, United Kingdom

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